Sunday, May 1, 2011


"Forgiveness is made possible by the knowledge that human beings cannot offer us what only God can give.  Once we have heard the voice calling us the Beloved, accepted the gift of full communion, and claimed the first unconditional love, we can see easily -- with the eyes of a repentant heart -- how we have demanded of people a love that only God can give.  It is the knowledge of that first love that allows us to forgive those who have only a "second" love to offer. ... Forgiveness is the name of love practiced among people who love poorly. ...  The voice that calls us the Beloved is the voice of freedom because it sets us free to love without wanting anyting in return.  This has nothing to do with self-sacrifice, self=denial, or self-deprecation.  But it has everything to do with the abundance of love that has been freely given to me nd from which I freely want to give."      from Nouwen's "Forgiveness: The Name of Love in a Wounded World"

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